Sunday, September 19, 2021 3 Yaers ago
admin in 2024
Barney west for President 2024. Promises. As within the already constitution. Leagues associations bannished and removed fron usa continental. Shall pay their entire wealth to the damaged never leagues no other national groups or of legions and leagues and associations. The forelorned attacking Associations shall Shall pay their entire wealth.
ommunions banned usa
ommunions banned usa
(3 Yaers ago via ommunions... Sunday, September 19, 2021)
Right buddy those false catholic signs Cleveland Ohio my great lakes front. struck on my great lakes. are first not allowed catholics. nextly communist russias army head quarters. That expanded into russias army run tv and radio usa.. and attacked and damaged the usa from that catholic russian army front head quarters. end.

communions banned usa
Right buddy damages
Right buddy damages
(3 Yaers ago via Right... Sunday, September 19, 2021)
Right buddy dismemberment damages paid by those illegal attacking national associations leagues legions associations and dismemberment.